The Black Hole is actually Agent Smith

The only reason I am writing this post is because I want to write something but had no good ideas. This is the best among my all worst ideas!           . . .          Best of all the worst as in better than the rest in a good way, not like the worst of all worst; you probably got that. Let’s continue.

So here is the dealeo, lately I’ve been thinking as to what the universe is all about. Can we comprehend the black hole with not so Steven Hawking’s like mind? Regardless of my qualification for explaining the universe, I will have the audacity to do it anyway.

What is a black hole, other than the obviously dumb joke that’s lurking in the back of your skull? To answer that I will first correlate the universe with a system and then analogize the black hole with it. Big words! HAHAHA! No? Okay… So the universe can be comprehended as a system with all the laws of physics. Everything in this system follows the laws of physics, all of them, regardless of humanities knowledge of all of them. A black hole, as claimed by physicist, is a place where all the laws of physics break down, and also a place of no return, let’s not forget that. Also, according to another theory, the universe is just a simulation inside a machine. The world, we know to exists, is but abstract. We are just a dream of another being; a simulation, a program. A program with its own sets of rules and regulations; the laws of physics as we call them. So, what a black hole is an abnormality in the program, a bug. Something that is create due to wrong variables inputted into the computer. I wonder if there is a Neo to our world, and a full blown prophecy.

If that’s what the case is, and we are just simulations in a computer, what kind of a computer is it? A quantum computer of course! “Quantum Computer: A computer which makes use of the quantum states of subatomic particles to store information” – straight out of Google. However, can our universe be just a simulation in a quantum computer (QC)? Remember you school physics, the universe is made of sub atomic particles, and various other particles. This means the universe is a vast network of these particles; QC enough? So the universe as we know is an infinitely big QC, with a processing power beyond compare (or is it?). With the steady advancement of QC, soon when humanity will figure out how to link it to the bigger QC, AKA the Universe, we will, officially be the Masters of the Universe. The power is limitless, from opening worm holes to travelling through dimensions and going through time sideways. Sign me up for that roller coaster!

BUT, with get power comes great responsibility, and as we know, there is an enormity in our simulated system, the Agent Smith to our Matrix, the black hole. This super dense ball of mass sucking in everything, breaking all rules and regulations, must be put to stop. Even though it happens naturally, by a process called Hawking’s Radiation, we must take control of nature, like the evil minions we humans are. So that we become the Neo to our Matrix, and build the QC to rid of Agent Smith. A prophecy! A fabulous ending to our little fabulous philosophy; or maybe just my philosophy, you were just sitting there whining about how dumb all this was.


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